Monday, July 21, 2008

lovesick bride.

this has taken over my mind for the past week and a half.
being a bride of Christ.
what a concept.

"Your eyes are doves" - Song of Solomon 1:15

doves have no peripheral vision.
here's what the Lord is saying to us, His bride : " You have the eyes of a dove. You have tunnel vision for Me only. You're not distracted with other affections and desires to the right and left. Your gaze is upon me only, and I love that! "

so i've been digging into this a lot lately. honestly it's blowing my mind in the most incredible way possible.
i've been going through this really great devotional book. last night i was flipping through to see what the other chapters were on and it "so happened" to be one that was on this topic. i was overwhelmed with what it said.

As believers we fulfill the feminine role. He initiates, we respond. He gives, we receive. He impregnates, we bring to birth. He leads, we follow. He loves, we reciprocate. He rules, we reign with Him.

He died to marry a beautiful bride who will walk with Him, talk with Him, dream with Him, strategize with Him and rule with Him.



Kristi Hanusch said...

I miss our conversations like this. And those scriptures i wrote on my wrist a few days ago washed off. I forgot i wrote it in highlighter not permanent marker. Do you remember what 2 they were?

Jarröt said...

Great stuff Whit!

Hanna said...

Awe Whit. I'm so glad God is still speaking to you and I pray that he will continue to.

And Kristi talking about converstations like this. It takes me back to a wonderful talk the 3 of us had at Fazolis. Remember that? That was great.

And then when I think about the 3 of us at Fazolis, I think about ihop. And when I think about ihop, I think about our perfect day. Remember that? It was perfect. We will have another one of those..just so you know. It may not be for awhile...but it will happen.

Wow this comment ended up a lot longer than I thought it would.

I love you Whitney!

Jarröt said...

I don't understand why you people start these things if you never plan on updating them!!!

Jarröt said...

Are you going to start this up again once you leave now that you have an awesome Mac? Because right now your overly achieving a yearly updated blog! I'm just wondering if we can expect to see...idk...a semi-monthly updated blog?